Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Where's my willpower?

Almost a year ago from today I received a blood test called the MRT test in which I got my white blood cells tested to see which foods I was intolerant to. There are 5 foods on my list that I should avoid at all costs: Beef, Cantaloupe, Cauliflower, Corn and Green Pepper. And 28 foods that I should eat minimally. I won't list them all but the most difficult to avoid are: Wheat, Yeast, Soy, Sodium Sulfite and Cow's Milk.

That being said, I've gotten pretty good at removing wheat, beef, dairy and soy but am not so great at avoiding one of the most dangerous for me. Corn. It's in everything! People often ask, "what do you eat?" To be honest, I cheat a lot because in order to go out to eat, I have to eat the things I'm intolerant to.

I started this blog to write about my struggle to cut corn from my diet, as a place to bitch about how hard it is, and even as a distraction from eating it.

Wish me luck. Quitting corn is not going to be easy.